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Ну зачто ?((( /cry

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Paladin (Skills List / Talent + Glyph Calc.)

PTR 3.1.0 - Official Patch Notes

    * Auras will now persist through death.
    * Blessing of Kings is now trainable at level 20. Removed from talent trees.



    * New Talent Divinity:Tier 1 protection talent, increases healing done by and to you by 1/2/3/4/5%.
    * Sacred Duty (Protection) rank 1 now increases Stamina by 4%.


    * Benediction (Retribution) now affects Hand of Reckoning.
    * Fanaticism reduced to 3 ranks for 6/12/18% bonus and 10/20/30% threat reduction.
    * Repentance no longer resets the Paladin's melee swing timer.
    * Righteous Vengeance reduced to 3 ranks for 10/20/30%.

Classes Undocumented Changes/Spell Comparison

Please note that the stats of the spells here are taken directly from the game files and might be different from the officiel patch notes. This is a list of the differences between tooltips of classes spells, just don't jump to any conclusion just because a change is here and wait until it reaches the live server.



    * Exorcism can now be used on all targets, but is now a guaranteed critical strike vs Undead and Demon type mobs.
    * Judgement of Light now procs off spells as well. (Previously only "attacks" would trigger this)


    * Purifying Power (Tier 6) now reduces the cooldown of your Exorcism and Holy Wrath spells by 17/33%. (Previously increased the critical strike chance of those spells by 10/20%)
    * Pure of Heart (Tier 5) now reduces Curse, Poison, and Disease effects by 15/30%. (Previously was 25/50% but did not include poisons)
    * Blessed Hands has been moved from Tier 5 to Tier 4 and now reduces the mana cost of Hand of Freedom, Hand of Sacrifice and Hand of Salvation by 15/30% and cooldowns by 10/20%.
    * Improved Concentration Aura's (Tier 4) reduced silence/interrupt effect now works while any aura is active.



    * Shield of Righteousness now deals 130% of block value + 520 at the highest rank. It no longer causes a high amount of threat. (Previously increased damage by a set amount)
    * Blessing of Kings is now a baseline ability. Trainable at level 20.


    * Shield of the Templar (Tier 10) no longer increases the damage of your Holy Shield, Avenger's Shield and Shield of Righteousness spells. Instead it gives your Avenger's Shield a 33/66/100% chance to silence targets hit by it for 3 sec.
    * Judgements of the Just (Tier 10) now reduces the cooldown of your Hammer of Justice by 10 sec, increases the duration of your Seal of Justice effect by 0.5 sec, in addition to its previous effect.
    * Avenger's Shield's (Tier 9) damage has been increased across all ranks.
    * Guarded by the Light (Tier 9) now reduces spell damage taken by 3% and gives a 50% chance to refresh the duration of your Divine Plea when you hit an enemy. (Previously reduced the mana cost of your Holy Shield, Avenger's Shield and Shield of Righteousness spells by 15%.)
    * Holy Shield's (Tier 7) damage slightly increased across all ranks.
    * Ardent Defender (Tier 7) is now a 3 point talent, reducing damage taken by 10/20/30%. (Previously was a 5 point talent)
    * Sacred Duty (Tier 6) increases stamina by 4% now. (Previously was 3%)
    * One-Handed Weapon Specialization is now a 3 point talent, increasing damage done with 1 handers by 4/7/10%. (Previously was a 5 point talent)
    * Blessing of Sanctuary (Tier 5) now only grants 2% of maximum displayed mana when the target blocks, parries, or dodges a melee attack. (Previously granted 10 rage or 20 runic power or 2% max mana)
    * Divine Guardian (Tier 4) now has been changed to redirect damage "(up to a maximum of 150/300% of the Paladin's health)." (Previously had no limit)
    * Improved Devotion Aura (Tier 4) now increases the amount healed on any target affected by any of your Auras by 2%. (Previously only worked with Devotion Aura active)
    * Improved Hammer of Justice (Tier 4) is now a 2 point talent, reducing the cooldown of Hammer of Justice by 10/20 sec. (Previously had a 3rd rank that reduced cooldown by 30 secs)



    * Righteous Vengeance (Tier 10) is now a 3 point talent. When your Judgement and Divine Storm spells deal a critical strike, your target will take 10/20/30% additional damage over 8 sec. (Previously a 5 point talent)
    * Fanaticism (Tier 8 ) is now a 3 point talent and now increases the critical strike chance of all Judgements capable of a critical hit by 6/12/18% and reduces threat caused by all actions by 10/20/30% except when under the effects of Righteous Fury. (Previously a 5 point talent)
    * Improved Retribution Aura has been removed from the game.
    * Improved Retribution Aura's effect has been merged into Sanctified Retribution (Tier 5).
    * Divine Purpose has been moved from Tier 5 to Tier 6.

Glyph Changes

    * Glyph of Exorcism -- Increases damage done by Exorcism by 20%. (Old: Your Exorcism also interrupts spellcasting for 2 sec.)
    * Glyph of Divinity -- Your Lay on Hands grants twice as much mana as normal and also grants you as much mana as it grants your target. (Old: Your Lay on Hands also grants you as much mana as it grants your target.)
    * Glyph of Lay on Hands -- Reduces the cooldown of your Lay on Hands spell by 5 min.(Old: Your Lay on Hands also grants you as much mana as it grants your target.)
    * Glyph of Beacon of Light *new* -- Increases the duration of Beacon of Light by 30 sec.
    * Glyph of Hammer of the Righteous *new* -- Your Hammer of the Righteous hits 1 additional target.
    * Glyph of Divine Storm *new* -- Your Divine Storm now heals for an additional 15% of the damage it causes.
    * Glyph of Shield of Righteousness *new* -- Reduces the mana cost of Shield of Righteousness by 1 to 6%.
    * Glyph of Divine Plea *new* -- While Divine Plea is active, you take 3% reduced damage from all sources.
    * Glyph of Holy Shock *new* -- Reduces the cooldown of Holy Shock by 1 sec.
    * Glyph of Hand of Salvation *new* -- When you cast Hand of Salvation on yourself, it also reduces damage taken by 20%.


Ну за что нам такой бешенный нерф опять :-(



О, какие доспехи, я тащусь =) Голый животик и открытые виски самое оно! Еще с детства мечтаю одеть таких дизайнеров в их доспехи и отправить минут пять хотя бы на бугурте постоять.  :mad:  :crazyfun:



лол... пипец сэт =)))



Да, у близзов начала иссякать идея.... ИМХО - Т2 - бриллиант для пала



Зато про баланс друлей наконец-то вспомнили в новом обновлении обновления. =) Описания естественно только на английском форуме - на русском бойан неактуальный до сих пор висит. И что главное, не просто вспомнили, а даже чутка имбанули по пустякам но приятно:

Ну наконец-то про мункинов вспомнили, и даже к добру вышло

Improved Mark of the Wild: Now also increases all of your total attributes by 1/2%.
Для ПвЕ пустячек, а приятно =)

Starfall: Cooldown reduced to 90 seconds.
Вот это жостко: на старфале прокает все что может прокать. То есть теперь прокать будет в два раза чаще. Не считая того, что дамаг по боссам с него довольно приятный, особенно с учетом того что этой аоешке не требуется поддержания каста.

Eclipse: The benefit to Wrath triggered by casting Starfire has been increased to +30% bonus damage on Wrath.
Еще 10% дамага гневу при проке эклипса.

Intensity: Now grants 17/33/50% of mana regeneration while casting.
Еще 20% к манарегу во время каста всегда не лишние, особенно при критах в 25% всего-лишь

Insect Swarm: The bonus damage from spellpower on this damage over time ability has been increased significantly to match similar spells on other classes.
Х.З., посмотрим что за бонус, но не нерф вроде.

Nature's Grace re-designed: All spell criticals have a 33/66/100% chance to grace you with a blessing of nature, increasing your spell casting speed by 20% for 3 seconds.

А вот тут самое интересное. 20% на моем СФ - это чуть больше 0.54сек. А вот гневаться мой мункин будет всего на 0.27сек быстрее, то есть след шарик гнева улетит через 1,1 секунду. Но если это благословение будет висеть в течении трех секунд не сваливаясь после первого каста, то на следующих трех гневах я получу на вскидку 0.6-0.7 сек бонуса =)

Отредактировано Enno (2009-03-13 00:56:08)



Ахтонг плачь на тему Т8 в блю постах палов по поводу уёб....сти вида привёл к
трагедии глобальных масштабов - смене вида т8:


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